Use a tongue health chart to assess your health

M Saad Mahmood
2 min readNov 8, 2022


A healthy tongue can provide clues about what’s going on within our bodies. The tongue is connected to many of our vital organs, and its shapes, textures, coatings, and colors can provide information about our health. You can learn more about what your tongue says by learning a tongue diagnosis chart.

I will share with you some secrets your tongue reveals about your health.



  • Pink tongues are a sign of good health.
  • Red tip tongue can indicate a fever or hormonal imbalance within the body.
  • When the tongue is reddish purple, an infection or inflammation might be present.
  • Pale pink tongues may indicate vitamin deficiency, weakened immunity, or fatigue.
  • A dark spot on the tongue may be caused by diabetes.


  • The presence of a thick coating indicates that the digestive system is not functioning properly.
  • Infections in the body can be detected by peeling skin on the tongue.
  • A gray or blackish coating may indicate a long-standing digestive disorder or very serious health problems. something may be very wrong with your body’s health.
  • The white coating indicates poor circulation to the extremities or yeast infections.


Tongue shapes are normally moderate, neither too thin nor too swollen. Towards the tip, it tapers and becomes soft and supple. There are no breaks in its surface, and it can be easily extended.

Blood and fluids in the body reflect the shape of the tongue. When examining tongue shape, it is important to pay attention to its consistency, texture, and mobility.

A tongue body color contextualises the tongue shape findings. Tongue shape changes with persistent pathology. Therefore, we are able to determine the severity of the disease and its chronicity. Following are some observations about the tongue’s body shape:

  • Thin: a sign that the body lacks blood and fluids
  • Swollen: indicates fluid accumulation and lack of circulation
  • Long: A heat indicator
  • Cracks in the body: Signs of fluid and Yin damage
  • Swollen or purple sublingual veins: A lack of fluid or blood circulation
  • An indented teeth mark or puffy tongue may indicate malnutrition.
  • Dehydration may cause a very thin tongue.



M Saad Mahmood
M Saad Mahmood

Written by M Saad Mahmood

I’m a computational chemist.But Passionate about writing to make a difference. As a copywriter I help out people to build business from zero to an empire level.

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